Welcome to the Collective on Anti-Racism
Welcome to the Collective on Anti-Racism (COAR) - a group dedicated to curating and carving out anti-racist spaces that celebrate and empower people of colour to centre their lived experiences on their anti-racist journeys.
Our Story

Nurtured on the stolen lands of Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, we are passionate about anti-racist learning and seek to empower people that identify as Bla(c)k, Indigenous, and/or people of colour (BIPOC) to centre their lived experience on their anti-racist journeys. What makes COAR unique is our willingness to put this into practice.
Since our inception, we have been committed to building a safe and strong community in Canberra for people to reflect on, learn more about, and connect through, anti-racism. We run a monthly anti-racist BIPOC-centred discussion group called ROAR with COAR and hold monthly social events for our BIPOC community.
Whether you have no idea what anti-racism is, or are a passionate activist, COAR welcomes one and all to our inclusive, fun and kind community. We are excited about the work we do, but even more so, the people we have gotten to know along the way, and we cannot wait to meet you at one of our next events.
Our Principled Space Guidelines
Our Principled Space Guidelines were inspired by Building the Anti-Racist Classroom.
We commit to adhering to these principles when guiding and shaping the space we hold in a white supremacist world.
Given the nature of our work, we believe that these principles are fundamental to having impactful and purposeful discussions surrounding topics such as anti-racism. We will use these principles when holding the space during all our events.
Anti-Racist Syllabus
This syllabus was imagined by COAR as a community-generated resource for our communities and white allies who wish to learn about anti-racism. Through this syllabus we hope to curate and share knowledge and experiences in the hopes it will push us further towards creating the world we envision. We recognise that learning happens in multiple ways and mediums.
To that end, we have curated an array of resources from an array of mediums for you to peruse through and share.
This syllabus also supports our monthly anti-racist discussion group called ROAR with COAR, with each month focusing on a different anti-racist topic.
The Anti-Racist Syllabus is not the definite source of anti-racist knowledge - no such thing exists. Rather this syllabus is inspired by and contains the work of many radical visionaries before us and we wish to showcase their thoughts alongside the sharing of our lived experiences at ROAR with COAR. If you have a resource we can add to this generative project get in touch at coar.cbr@gmail.com.