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Our Principled Space Guidelines

Given the nature of our work, we believe that these principles are fundamental to having impactful and purposeful discussions surrounding topics such as anti-racism. We will use these principles when holding the space during all our workshops and events.


Principle 1

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land this Collective was nurtured on – the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples. We pay respects to Elders, past, present, and emerging. We recognise that this land was stolen, and sovereignty was never ceded. As COAR was founded to fight against white supremacy and racism, we want to recognise and celebrate the long history of first nations activism. The work done by our indigenous activist leaders has paved the way for our own activism as a collective.


Principle 2

People of Colour continue to benefit from settler colonial structures and profit off stolen unceded land. Through centering our own experiences, we will not silence the stories of our Indigenous folk. Our experiences and fight against the empire is secondary to the immeasurable work carried out by First Nations communities around Australia. 


Principle 3

Although COAR welcomes all those who have an interest in anti-racism and decolonisation, including our white allies. We commit to placing the lived experience of People of colour and Indigenous folks at the centre of our work at all times. 


Principle 4

Hold yourself accountable and take responsibility for your mistakes. The path of the anti-racist is by no means linear and there is always room for growth and change. In fact, the point of anti-racism is to present members with the opportunity to access new information that may cause them to change their perspective. However, this growth does not absolve racist actions you may have engaged with in the past. 


Principle 5

Be aware of your privilege: The realities of oppression and privilege mean that you can be both oppressed and the oppressor at the same time. Be aware of your position amidst the intersections of oppression when you engage with others in the collective. Each experience and story shared within our community is as valid and important as the other. There is no hierarchy of oppression or suffering. 


Principle 6

Conversations concerning a group of people from a communal cultural background should place members of that group at the forefront of that conversation. Their voices should guide and dictate the course of the conversation for other members of the collective.


Principle 7

Despite our goals and strategies, the nature of anti-racist work is dynamic and ever-evolving. We commit to being flexible in our work and vision. 


Principle 8

We acknowledge that anti-racist activism is structured by the politics of exhaustion and we urge our collective members to prioritise their health, boundaries, and care in the process of engaging with COAR. 


February 24th 2021

Written by Annabelle Nshuti, Maleika Twisk, Niroshnee Ranjan and edited by Aline-Mwezi Niyonsenga on behalf of the Collective on Anti-Racism

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